Saturday, November 19, 2011


So, after almost one full semester of classes, I can no longer keep a straight face in either my Japanese or Chinese classes. Thanks to my classmates, whom I adore (most of the time), I have a TON of hilarious stuff to think about every time I do my Japanese homework or open my Chinese textbook. I've made a short list of things talked about or said in classes:

We'll start with my Japanese class:

'Why is Hitler buying a wallet?' - Spoken about a drawn picture of a man what looked a lot like Hitler buying a wallet. Not kidding.
'Oishii desu ka.' (Is that delicious?) - Spoken by my groupmate while pointing to: Shoes, another group members crotch, and my boobs. In front of class.
'Booshi desu ka.' (Is that a hat?) - Spoken whilst pointing ANYWHERE.
'Watashi wa whatever you just said negative tense.' - One of my favorites.
Teacher: 'What does Mary-san need?' (Picture of Mary standing IN FRONT OF THE RESTROOM ASKING WHERE IT IS) Answer (From one of my groupmates, of course.): Glasses. Or a seeing-eye dog.
Teacher (after a mix up of nemasu and nomasu (sleep and drink)): Don't sleep the alcohol! Drink the alcohol! Sleep after.
Teacher (on bowing): Americans bow to us with their hands like this. (Prayer position). Don't pray to us. We not gods. Is funny though.

In Chinese class:

'Wo ai...wait, wo shi gong bao jidan.' Teacher: 'Ai or shi. Pick one.' 'Wo shi gong bao jidan.' (Ai means love. Shi means am. He quite literally said 'I am kung pao chicken.'
'Gao's a little brat.' 'Yeah, and Bai seems really shallow and completely oblivious.' 'Gao's never gonna manage to hit that.' 'Seriously! He invites her on a date and she tells him to bring everyone else? Either she's an idiot or a master at getting out of going on dates.' 'Maybe she's a lesbian?' 'Nah. She just wants Wang Peng.' 'Li You's not going to stand for that. Wang Peng's her territory.' - This is a long, drawn out conversation about the CHARACTERS IN THE TEXTBOOK!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't stop laughing.

Not in my Chinese class, but put here because: my Chinese conversation partner said it and it made me laugh for a good ten minutes and Kevin from UKISS tweeted it:

Chinese Partner: (Discussing how much money it takes to fill up my ancient car every month) O.O 'Your car drink the gas?' 'Pretty much.' 'So much! It drink drink drink...your car DRUNK.' Even now, I can't stop laughing...

Kevin: Shi hao chi! (Written in characters (which, yes, I can read) while discussing going out for food) - Means 'I am good food.' He corrected himself later, but it just goes to show anyone can make mistakes. ^_^

The only reason I don't laugh when I'm working on Korean is because I'm self-studying that, so there's no classmates to make me laugh.

Anyway, I'ma go back to wasting time. ^_^ (It's WAY too late here to study anymore.)